Wednesday 22 October 2008


An email shot round the Dev team today asking me to list my confidence at using 5 new possible Dev programs on a scale of one to 5, I accidentally listed my confidence in maya as 5, lol I thought I new the programme then I was reminded of just how big that instruction book is, well if you have never read it I don't blame you, as by the time you finish reading it they will have brought out a new version, with all the buttons in different places and the one thing you relied on will have been buried deep in the sub menus!

Put it this way 3ds Max was at the top of the list, the list wasn't meant to be in any particular order but that speaks for itself, so I'm going to check out the personal learning edition, ho-hum.

Oh and I should be receiving a soft Image XSI demo, sort of accidentally made the head of European Sales there think I wanted to order 40 seats, oops well research is more fun with the personal touch, lol I think the dude also believes I might be a little more important than my boss and that I delegated the discussion to him.. well you gets what you pay for and someone asked me to find out a bit about it, COMMITMENT, GUTS, SPIRIT, GOING TOO FAR, the hallmarks of the classic office noob!!

lol games research goes on, found out that jets versus helicopters is not fun for the chopper pilots, if the game ever gets made I will have to convince someone to make guided missiles for VTOLs and better flares, I mean come on if you were a general would you use choppers when air supremacy is hotly disputed by jets, even a third rate mirage can take down an Apache without receiving so much as a tickle, saying that I shouldn't complain about realism in a game that determines to park vehicles all over the place with the keys in the ignition available for use by either side, lol imagine that in Basra the us turns up and just scatters tanks all over the place on a first come first served basis!!

These things are done for fun and ease of playing, In the game I'm designing you have to train with a vehicle to use it then your commander will assign you to a vehicle and your armoured unit will fight like a real one, if you lose your tank and your supply lines are cut you better draw your pistol, this sounds harsh but wait a minute, in normal multiplay fps vehicles are first come first served so you could play for hours without getting one and then when you do you get your own team firing rockets at you so that it doesn't last as long and they get to play with it!! (Halo 3) that really pissed me off. this way as you start in your own vehicle you play the vast majority of the game in your favourite role. Woot!

anyway I'll put up some little sketch ideas I worked on in a bit, my faves will be rendered in photoshop.

Wednesday out!

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